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Vantage BDS launches Sugarcania, a creative solution to a residual problem

January 31, 2017

AG Zones, the leading exporter of bulk sugarcane from Egypt have launched a new revenue stream developed by Vantage BDS called Sugarcania. This is a B2C concept utilizing the daily residual of harvested sugarcane and offering it to the market in the form of pealed, sliced, vacuum packed sugarcane pieces that are delivered to the doorstep of prospective clients.

Petagest Chooses Vantage BDS

April 02, 2016

Petagest, the first all natural pet food manufacturing in the MENA Region has trusted Vantage BDS with their business development and market planning needs. Vantage BDS has established a delivery system, a mobile ordering application, a call center and delivery of the product. Additionally, Vantage BDS has secured a number of distribution channels through major retail chains in the country with plans to go Regional this year.

Ascendant Global Names Ezz Eldin El Nattar as Chairman

March 07, 2016

"A capable leader is the driver of success and therefore it is important to all stakeholders to be aware of the competence, aptitude, and success stories of such a leader," expressed Ezz Eldin El Nattar, CEO of Vantage BDS and Partner in the newly established Ascendant Global Division.

February 14, 2016

As my colleague and business partner Raoul Davis, CEO Ascendant Group, once said to me, " ... a CEO must get branded before he/she gets labeled!"


Everything you do communicates something about your brand, your values and your organization’s culture. Highly effective leaders proactively communicate their message and avoid being labeled. The best CEOs and companies have influence over how customers and strategic partners perceive them by knowing what their google results reveal and communicating proactively with the media to shape the dialogue. 


Vantage Signing Ceremony with Ascendant Group

January 19, 2016

On January 20th, 2016, Vantage BDS signed a strategic partnership agreement with Ascendant Group to provide the CEO branding service in the MENA Region.


Ascendant is the award-winning, global frontrunner in CEO branding since 2004 and have to date radically revolutionized the way companies have developed their business through professionally profiling their CEOs. Through this strategic partnership agreement, Vantage BDS will be responsible for promoting and executing this exclusive service in the MENA Region capitalizing on the expertise of Ascendant.

January 18, 2016

After Adidas announced its new CEO, it immediately gained $1 billion in value. It’s easy to forget how important one human being can be. 


You’ve probably never heard of Kasper Rorsted – I hadn’t until Monday – but he turns out to be a highly valuable man. Adidas announced that he would be leaving his job as CEO of Henkel, a German consumer packaged goods maker, and would become CEO of Adidas in October, replacing CEO Herbert Hainer. Henkel immediately lost $2 billion of market value on the news, and Adidas, a smaller company, immediately gained $1 billion – on a day when German stocks overall lost ground. All because of one man planning to change jobs nine months from now.


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